Staff Changes at Garden City Pracitce
After a combined service of 33 years we will be saying Goodbye to Senior Receptionist Tracey and Medical Secretary Louise who both are moving to other roles within Primary Care. We will miss both them but wish them well in their new roles. Tracey is joing us for one fia flu clinic on Saturday 12th October.
Will be welcoming Christine as our new Medical Secretary and Donna who will take over Senior Receptionist durng October. I am sure you will join me in welcomig them both The Garden City Practice.
The NHS App gives you a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services. You can download the NHS App on your smartphone or tablet via Google Play or App Store. You can also access the same services in a web browser by logging in through the NHS website Access your NHS account - NHS (
You will be able to order repeat prescriptipns, view you health record and test results ( you must have online access activated at the practice first), book and amange appointments and referrals, register your organ donation decision, choose how you the NHS uses you data, use NHS 111 online to answer questions and getinstant advice or medical help near you and access other NHS services.
Latest Patient Voices newsletter March 2024
Our Patient Voices have been busy preparing our March newsletter with information about Womens health and celebrating woman.
We are looking to recruit new members please see the informaiton on the newsletter or in the waiting room if you are interested.
Our New Telephone System is Here!!
We are pleased to announce that the new telephone system is live from Thursday 21 March 2024. This new system meets the standards required under the NHS and will also now have call recording enabled for all incoming and outgoing calls.
One of the most common complaints we receive is that patients don't want to or can't hold for long periods at our busiest time of the day. The new system will have a ringback facility which will enable you to select this option, retain your place in the queue without holding. This will address this issue but please be advised appointments levels will not change. Also note that the call back function is only available once the call queue reaches above 10, and is only available until 5pm. If you have not recevied a callback before the end of the working day you will need to call back as the system does not carry these over to the next day.
Other features will include improved management monitoring so that we can see extactly what is happening with our phone lines and adjust staff cover when required.
You can still cancel your appointments by leaving a clear mesage with your name, date of birth and appointment details by selecting option 2 from the menu. Although we have reduced wasted appointments from patients that do not attend, we still lose about 33 hours of clinical time a month, that is equal to approximaltey 198 appointments across the clinical team every month.
Our Patient Voices Group were involved in the selection of this system to get input form a patient perpesctive.
If you have any feedback on the system please let us know about your experience.
National Health Campaigns
There is a calendar of Health Campaigns throughout the year - see what is happening this month
Stoptober - Quit smoking this Stoptober - Better Health - NHS (
Childhood Immunisations - "if we're not vaccinated we're not protected" NHS vaccinations and when to have them - NHS (
National Cholesterol Month - National Cholesterol Month 2024 (
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Breast Cancer UK
World Arthrritis Day 12th October - World Arthritis Day General Information | EULAR
World Menopause Awareness Day 18th October -
International Infection Prevention Weeks 13th - 19th October - 2024 International Infection Prevention Week (
Appointment Data
GP Appointment Data Nov 2023
Appointment data is published for all GP practices in England. The full statistics can be viewed by following the link below:
In summary The Garden City Practice delivered 6591 appointments in April 2023, an average of 392.1 appointments per 1000 registered paitents:
82.1% were face-to-face
46.0% were same day appointments
48.3% were with a GP
2.6% Did not attend equal to 173 "lost" appointments which equates to 28 hours of lost appointment time
The practice is committed to increasing access to GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Practice Nurse appointments in 2024, as well as utilising the Additional Roles such as Clinical Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Social Prescribers and Mental Health Practitioners through the WGC Primary Care Network (PCN).
We would appreciate if patients provide brief information to Reception about the reason for your appointment when you contact the practice in order that you can be booked with the appropriate healthcare professional; the GP isn't always the best person to help.
December 2023 data has not yet been published (13.02.2024)
Practice updates
All NHS services are under severe pressure at the moment; we would apprecaite if patients can use all NHS Services appropriately.
We are seeing an increase in minor illness usage that can often be treated with help from your local pharmacy and over the counter, OTC, medicines.
Local Community Pharmacists are highly trained professionals that can help with a range of minor illness and ailments leaving GP appointments for those patietns with more complex medical needs. The Pharmacy First service is now available and community pharmacies signed up to this service can supply prescription medicines, inclduing antibiotics and antivirals for seven common conditions: Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Earache, Infected insect bite, Impetigo, Shingles and Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women without the need to see a GP.
The Receptionists are asked by the Partners to have an initial conversation with you to understand which member of the team is best to deal with your issue; the First Point Phsyio can assess musculoskeltal issues and refer on if required, Clinical Pharmacist are able to carry out medication reviews, our Nurse Practitoner can undertake long term condition (LTC) reviews and prescribe for minor illness if needed.
If you have an issue that is not urgent, you may to wait longer than usual until your problem or concern can be dealt with.
Do please make sure that you continue to get in touch with us if you need to. This is particularly important if:
- your problem is urgent;
- you have long-term condition that is getting worse;
- you are worried about symptoms that might indicate cancer
Please also remember you can use NHS 111 online or call NHS 111 for urgent concerns, and 999 for serious emergencies.
For adults with mental health problems including depression and anxiety, you can refer yourself directly to the local wellbeing service, via their website.
If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, call this freephone number: 0800 6444 101.
Advice for childhood illnesses
We have a limited resources and limited number of appointments every day, please do not be rude to or shout at our receptionists; the practice will not tolerate offensive behavour or language and we will take steps to remove patients from our list if necessary.
Thank you very much for helping us all manage under these very difficult circumstances.
General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)
Patient data has been collected from practices for a number of years using the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES), the General Pracrice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR) is replacing GPES and will help to support the planning and commissioning of health and care services, the development of health and care policy, public health monitoring and interventions and enable different areas of research.
More information about how NHS Digital is processing GP data can be found in NHS Digital's GPDPR Transparency Notice:
Opting out
There are two different opt-outs:
Type 1 Opt-out - prevent sharing of your practice data with NHS Digital; these were introduced in 2013. NHS Digital will not collect data for patients who are already have a Type 1 opt-out recorded. If you wish to regsiter a Type 1 Opt-out please complete the form available here
Data sharing with NHS digital has now been postponed a new start date has not been set; NHS Digital will need to be meet a varierty of stringent tests before going live. They are introducing three changes to the opt-out system which mean that patients will be able to change their opt-out status at any time:
1.Patients do not need to register a Type 1 opt-out by 1 September to ensure their GP data will not be uploaded
2.NHS Digital will create the technical means to allow GP data that has previously been uploaded to the system via the GPDPR collection to be deleted when someone registers a Type 1 opt-out
3.The plan to retire Type 1 opt-outs will be deferred for at least 12 months while the new arrangements are introdcued and will not be implemented without consultation with the RCGP, the BMA and the National Data Guardian
The Practice will continue process your opt-out forms when received; unfortuantley we will not be able to confirm processing of individual forms.
National Data Opt-out - opting out of NHS Digital sharing your data unless there is a legal exemption to do so. You can find out more and register a National Data Opt-out or change your choice on or call 0300 303 5678 if you do not have access to the internet.
You must do the National Opt-out through NHS Digtal, this cannot be done at the practice.
Your individual care will not be affected if you opt-out using Type 1 or National Data Opt-out.